Welcome to the Westdale Homeowners Association (WHOA) website. Westdale is located west of the 405 freeway and south of the 10 freeway, and was founded in 1947 with the construction of 450 single-story tract homes built by developer Paul W. Trousdale. Other homes where added north of the park in the 1950s and on the site of a former nursery in the 1960s. If you are unsure if you are in the neighborhood, check out our map of the boundaries.

Latest News

  • Annual Meeting Update – Joint Meeting was held on January 23, 2025 – Meeting Recording

    In light of the Pacific Palisades Fire, the Westdale Homeowners Association (WHOA) Annual meeting has changed the location, date, and scope. A major part of our annual meeting is presentations by the 11th District Council Office (Traci Park) and the LAPD (Senior Lead Officers). Both these groups have challenges in attending this year given their current activities related to the fires. I have been in communication with the Mar Vista Neighborhood Association (our neighbors to the south) and we are planning to join forces so there will only be one date for both organizations – 7pm on Thursday, Jan. 23rd at St. Bede’s Episcopal Church (3590 Grand View). This will assist the 11th District Council Office and the LAPD to be present at the event. Given the recent fires the event is going to be a community gathering with music, performed by local artists, a few speakers (Council Office and LAPD) and possibly a sing-along to end the evening along with refreshments. The speaking parts are meant to be brief and provide support and perspective. We are also in the process of identifying non-profits to target with our fundraising efforts in support of those impacted by the fires. Any additional WHOA business information will be distributed via email and in the Spring Villager. Thank you for being flexible and please plan to attend this event. 

  • Villagers
  • Membership Application and Renewal
  • Westdale Homeowners Association Dues Status
  • Upcoming Meetings Announcement – for Westdale and Mar Vista
  • Vehicle Dwelling Ordinance


We are most fortunate to live in a beautiful, safe and very desirable area of the city. Your Westdale Homeowners Association (WHOA) serves to represent every homeowner in matters of individual and collective interests, including:

  • Preservation of the neighborhood and protecting property values.
  • Monitoring and influencing such matters as adherence to building and property restrictions, graffiti controls, earthquake preparedness and response, and traffic control.
  • Publishing a quarterly newsletter Westdale Villager
  • Preparing for earthquakes with our CERT team.

Every house in Westdale automatically belongs to the association. Dues is only $30 and, we hope, will be paid by every home. Check the pdf on the Membership Page to see if you have paid for this year. The Membership Application can be printed, filled out and sent along with a check if you have not paid.

Take a minute to find out more on the interesting history of Westdale. You can also look at a copy of the Westdale Villager Newsletter online. Additionally, we have posted contact information for the members about the Board of Directors and have also included recent Meeting Minutes.